I hate hearing and answering this. I know I tak sehebat dean-list-people yang dok huha sana-sini but end up result gempak nak mati. I know I know. I pon kekadang terpikir, why I do this to myself? Kenapa tak fokus belajar, jadikan pointer yang lepas as pengajaran? You have your brother supporting your study's fees. But why? I've keep complaining and torturing myself. The voice inside my head keep shouting, GET A LIFE. I MEAN A REALLLLL LIFE NORAN. I always trying to manage my life as calm as i can. But look at me right now. Balik kerja, bukak lappy, berangan. Lecture note satu hape tak selak. I guess I lost my track. I prioritize my part-time job instead of study. Nahh, macamni nak jadi Geologist? Kiss my ass baby.
Go change your crappy attitude Noran. Its a must! Tide your mission, aim your dream, have a goal. Don't ruin it.
Its never too late to be what you might have been - George ElliotIts called a chasing time :)